A new Colin Kaepernick docuseries is promising to tell the former NFL star’s story through his own words … and Spike Lee has been tapped to direct it all. ESPN Films announced the partnership and the plan on Wednesday night … saying in a statement that production on the project has already begun. No word
Whoopi Goldberg‘s comments about race and the Holocaust just got her benched. ABC Prez Kim Godwin just announced, “Effectively immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks for her wrong and hurtful comments. While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments.” Play
Jamie Lynn Spears took a hard pass on doing a nationwide tour to promote her new book … because she’s not in it for the money … so say sources connected to her. Our sources say Britney‘s little sis was approached about doing a book tour but she was adamant it wasn’t for her. It’s