Play video content La noche del sábado, Hamás liberó más rehenes, luego de que el intercambio de prisioneros estuviera al borde del colapso. Un total de 13 israelíes y 4 ciudadanos tailandeses fueron escoltados a través de la frontera hacia Israel, tras una demora interminable. Hamás acusó a Israel de violar los términos del acuerdo
Play video content X / @ACKCurrent If President Biden thought he could escape the Israel-Palestine noise for the holiday weekend, he was wrong — ’cause he was met with furious pro-Palestine protesters in New England, but didn’t pay them any mind. Joe was out and about with the rest of the First Family in Nantucket,
El hijo de Susan Sarandon agradeció el apoyo de los seguidores a su madre después del polémico discurso sobre Israel-Palestina, pero hay una cosa que realmente le molesta y es el video donde se ven sus pechos en redes sociales. Miles Robbins publicó un mensaje en X, donde dijo que este video de Susan y
Melissa Barrera says her firing from the ‘Scream’ franchise won’t silence her … and she says she’s not antisemitic. The actress responded to her “Scream 7” ouster with a statement on her Instagram story, explaining why she’s been so vocal about the war in the Middle East. Of course, it was Melissa’s IG stories that
A famous Thanksgiving parade in New York City turned into a pro-Palestine demonstration … with protestors disrupting the route and causing chaos before getting booted. Groups of demonstrators glued their hands to 6th Avenue as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was coming through … forcing NYPD to redirect floats and balloons. Play video content The
John F. Kennedy was assassinated 60 years ago, and even all these years later — folks are fascinated by the story … and some are willing to pay big bucks for morbid memorabilia. Some items tied to the case recently hit the auction block through RR Auction, and a handful of ’em went for a
John F. Kennedy fue asesinado hace 60 años, e incluso con todos los años que han pasado la gente sigue fascinada por la historia y algunos están dispuestos a pagar mucho dinero por algunos recuerdos morbosos del suceso. Algunos objetos relacionados con el caso salieron recientemente a subasta a través de RR Auction, y un
Un famoso desfile de Acción de Gracias en Nueva York se convirtió en una manifestación pro-Palestina luego de que varias personas interrumpieran la ruta y provocaran el caos antes de ser expulsados. Grupos de manifestantes pegaron sus manos a la 6ª Avenida mientras el desfile de Thanksgiving de Macy’s estaba pasando, lo que obligó a
Play video content X / @CBP New video has surfaced of the horrific car crash at the U.S.-Canadian border that left 2 people dead and authorities scrambling for answers. The video provides a clearer look at the Bentley that went airborne … then crashed and exploded into a guard post at the border, killing both
Melissa Barrera dice que su despido de la franquicia ‘Scream’ no la silenciará y dice que no es antisemita. La actriz respondió a su expulsión de “Scream 7” con una declaración en su historia de Instagram, explicando por qué ha dado demasiadas opiniones sobre la guerra en el Oriente Medio. Por supuesto, fueron las historias
Play video content El presidente Biden está encendiendo Internet con su ardiente pastel de cumpleaños en el que se burla de su edad, pero eso no lo hará superar el obstáculo electoral con los jóvenes… al menos eso dice una periodista experimentada. La reportera de tecnología Taylor Lorenz —que cubre todo lo relacionado con
Play video content President Biden‘s lighting up the Internet with his fiery birthday cake poking fun at his age — but that won’t get him over the electoral hump with the young’ns … so says a seasoned journo. Technology reporter Taylor Lorenz — who covers all things digital for the Washington Post — weighed
Susan Sarandon está enfrentando fuertes reacciones por su discurso pro-palestino y anti-judío: una famosa agencia de talentos de Hollywood decidió abandonarla. La actriz ganadora del Oscar ya no está representada por United Talent Agency, donde decenas de empleados se molestaron por sus fuertes opiniones sobre la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, según cuenta Page Six.
Susan Sarandon is facing swift backlash over her pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish rant … because a famous Hollywood talent agency just showed her the door. The Oscar-winning actress is no longer being represented by United Talent Agency, where scores of staffers were upset by her strong views on the Israel-Hamas war … according to Page Six.
President Joe Biden‘s birthday cake appeared to be on fire this week to ring his 81st birthday — sparking a ton of jokes. Joe was celebrating his born day Monday, and it looks like his staff lit up the festivities with a crap ton of candles on a meager-sized pastry for POTUS — something the
Elon Musk‘s social media platform X is dragging a media watchdog group to court … claiming Media Matters is engaged in a smear campaign against him and his company. The billionaire followed up Monday with his previously announced plans to sue Media Matters in response to a recently published story suggesting pro-Nazi advertisements were running
Play video content Donald Trump estuvo involucrado en una polémica (una de miles), luego de ser visto en un espectáculo de “lluvias doradas”, donde prostitutas orinaban en una cama. Han pasado años y él sigue insistiendo en que no es cierto. El expresidente estaba en un evento de campaña en Fort Dodge, Iowa, el sábado
Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter — who’d long been married to former President Jimmy Carter — has died … according to the family’s foundation. The Carter Center broke the news Sunday, writing … “Our co-founder, former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter, passed away this afternoon in Plains, Georgia.” In a lengthier statement, they went on
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