Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass tried to to find the silver lining after the Lakers’ early exit from the playoffs … congratulating the Purple & Gold on winning the In-Season Tournament a few months ago — but it was met with so much backlash, she ended up scrubbing the post from her page. LeBron James
Donald Trump just got held in contempt of court for violating a gag order in his criminal hush money case — and while he only has to pay fines for now … the judge is threatening jail. The ex-Prez got slapped with some sanctions Tuesday in NYC, where a court imposed a $9,000 fine —
Un tribunal acaba de declarar a Donald Trump en desacato por violar una orden que le prohíbe hablar del caso penal de dineros para sobornos, y aunque solo tiene que pagar multas por ahora, el juez lo está amenazando con la cárcel. El ex Presidente sufrió una bofetada el martes, tras recibir algunas sanciones de
Play video content The Drew Barrymore Show Kamala Harris sat down with Drew Barrymore to stump for Joe Biden — and there were some interesting takeaways … including how she laughs, and a new nickname. The Veep appeared on “The Drew Barrymore Show” Monday to talk shop on politics and lots of other topics that
Play video content The New Yorker Radio Hour Jerry Seinfeld reflected on the state of comedy ahead of his 70th birthday — and he thinks modern-day showbiz has lost its sense of humor … all ’cause of politically correct culture. The legendary comedian was talking on the New Yorker’s Radio Hour this past week, and
USC’s famed Tommy Trojan has been caught up in the Gaza war, and is worse for wear. The iconic statue was smack in the middle of another protest on the USC campus, resulting in 90 arrests. Tommy Trojan vandalized #USC pic.twitter.com/0kQxAYYppY — Jacob Wheeler (@JWheelertv) April 28, 2024 @JWheelertv Someone spray-painted, “Say no to genocide”
Play video content X/News2Share/LisaDNews Caitlyn Jenner has NO fear … walking right into the middle of a massive, protest over the Gaza war and jawboning it with demonstrators. The scene outside the White House Correspondents Dinner pic.twitter.com/JPnSYrpUtG — Joey Garrison (@joeygarrison) April 27, 2024 @joeygarrison CJ was in D.C. to attend the White House Correspondents’
Play video content X/News2Share/LisaDNews Caitlyn Jenner no tiene miedo de caminar junto a una protesta por la guerra de Gaza. Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post. Ella estaba en Washington para asistir a la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca el sábado por la noche, cuando se encontró con una multitud de
Play video content CNN Donald Trump tiene otro problema con su juicio penal en Nueva York, además del hecho de estar siendo procesado y obligado a asistir todos los días, el ex mandatario piensa que el palacio de justicia es aparentemente muy helado. El ex Presidente regresó a la Gran Manzana el viernes para otro
Play video content HBO Bill Maher entró en terreno caliente el viernes por la noche, al criticar a los manifestantes universitarios anti-israelíes como narcisistas egocéntricos, mal informados y en su mayoría sin trabajo. El presentador de “Real Time” arremetió contra los manifestantes que están bloqueando carreteras y puentes, así como contra quienes interrumpen los campus
Play video content HBO Bill Maher came in hot Friday night, blasting college anti-Israel Protesters as self-involved, ill-informed, and mostly out-of-work narcissists. The ‘Real Time’ host lit into protesters who are blocking roads and bridges, along with those disrupting college campuses, saying their lack of knowledge over the conflict between Israel and Hamas is breathtaking.
Play video content TMZ.com Donald Trump‘s hush money criminal trial in NYC could face an unfair playing field based on the jury — but in terms of who it benefits, it’s a crapshoot … so says Dr. Phil. The TV personality spoke to “TMZ Live” Friday about the 12 jurors who’ll decide DT’s fate —
Governor Kristi Noem‘s got social media users howling with rage — ’cause she admitted to shooting and killing her own dog … something she says had to be done. South Dakota’s political leader tells the harrowing story in her upcoming memoir, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move
Play video content The Howard Stern Show / Sirius XM Joe Biden‘s opening up about his mental health struggles … saying he once considered taking his own life in one particularly low moment — but, his kids saved him. POTUS sat down for an interview with Howard Stern on his SiriusXM show Friday, and spoke
Donald Trump podría ir a la cárcel por el caso de sobornos, pero incluso antes de eso podría ser encerrado por desacato a una orden que lo obliga a guardar silencio, algo para lo que el Servicio Secreto está listo, pero que no anticipa. Como ya sabrán, Trump está siendo juzgado en Nueva York. Los
La policía de Texas inició una investigación con la ayuda del FBI después de que el alcalde de una pequeña ciudad recibiera un amenazante paquete por correo que incluía una soga. El alcalde de Arcola, Texas, Fred Burton, de raza negra, recibió el paquete el martes y, según cuenta, contenía una cuerda en forma de
Cops in Texas have launched an investigation with the help of the FBI after a small town’s Mayor received a threatening package in the mail … which included a noose. Arcola, TX’s Mayor Fred Burton — who’s Black — received the package Tuesday which he says contained a rope fashioned into a noose inside, plus
Donald Trump may go to jail in his hush money case — but even before that, he may get locked up over a gag order … something the Secret Service is ready for, but not anticipating. As you may know, Trump is currently on trial in New York City … where prosecutors are trying to
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