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Donald Trump says he learned people could get away with abhorrent behavior as long as they had good ratings like he did on “The Apprentice” … according to a bombshell book.
The ex-prez made the claims during an interview with Variety Co-Editor-in-Chief Ramin Setoodeh for, “Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass” which dropped Tuesday.
We’ve already told you a little about the new book … but, just as a refresher, DJT sat for several interviews with Setoodeh and, the portrayal of 45 as a lonely, occasionally dotty man ex-TV star isn’t flattering.
In any case … Setoodeh says Trump reflected on his big takeaway from “The Apprentice” by saying, “It’s all about one thing: ratings. If you have ratings, you can be the meanest, most horrible human being in the world.”
A pretty cynical view of Hollywood … but, it sorta sums up “The Apprentice” in a nutshell — which many watched just to see who Trump would fire week to week.
Plus, Trump’s made similar claims with similar sentiment before — remember, he once said women would let men “grab ’em by the p***y” so long as they’re famous.
Donald’s team isn’t denying his comments in the book — though they have said Trump barely remembers interacting with him and claimed he’s a “loser” too focused on the Republican nominee.
Trump’s ‘Apprentice’ comments are pretty tame when compared with other quotes in the book … including a part where he called Taylor Swift “unusually beautiful”– totally objectifying her.

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Like we said, the book’s out now … and, we’ll have to see if its good ratings have any effect on the Donald.