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Mark Hamill sees a win-win situation in an upcoming Colorado election featuring Rep. Lauren Boebert … and the punchline here is her theater groping and vaping video.
Lauren’s running for a Congressional seat in a new district in Colorado and ahead of Tuesday’s primary, Mark trolled her on social media after her opponent put out an attack ad based on her infamous “Beetlejuice” date.
Her opponent, John Padora, filmed the ad from the very same theater seat Lauren was caught on video getting handsy with Quinn Gallagher and got booted from the musical.

Mark says voters should go with Padora over Lauren because he’s the “far superior” candidate and because a loss would give Boebert more free time to finally see the show from start to finish.

Remember … footage also showed Lauren vaping during the production before she got ejected.
Mark’s an outspoken President Joe Biden supporter and Lauren is full MAGA … so he’s found a new foe here … happy trails, Darth Vader.