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A Super Tuesday voter has gone viral for his explicit explanation of why Nikki Haley shouldn’t be president — according to him, it’s ’cause she’ is missing a scrotum.
Check out this video that features a North Carolina resident — identified as Emmett Martin — confessing to NBC News that he never even considered the former governor of South Carolina as a candidate over the simple fact that she’s a woman.
The way he puts it is pretty rich in misogyny … he says, she “has no balls to scratch.”
Emmett says that since the ex-Gov. didn’t have male private parts … she shouldn’t be a contender in the Republican primary race. We’re not sure what genitalia has to do with running a country … but it’s clearly important to this constituent.
BTW, it isn’t just Nikki that the voter disapproved of … it’s all women, apparently who he said are only good for “having babies and taking care of the house.”
He did backtrack slightly — suggesting that there are women out there who know what they’re doing … but added they need a bit of guidance from someone like Donald Trump.
Shaquille Brewster — the correspondent who interviewed Emmett … said this isn’t the first time that voters have told him they wouldn’t vote for Nikki based on her gender. However, it is the first time the response was so bluntly said on camera.
Nikki is the only Republican primary candidate left running against Trump — who is seeking reelection after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Although … her bid for the nomination isn’t promising since Trump has 200 more delegates than her.