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The Denver Zoo had a serious paternity dispute on its hands, and turned to the expert, Maury Povich, to help settle things once and for all.

Denver Zoo
The TV icon who has gotten to the bottom of hundreds of paternity disputes on his talk show was called in for a case of a new baby orangutan … zoo officials weren’t sure whether 30-year-old Berani or 16-year-old Jaya was the baby daddy of 4-month-old Sumatran orangutan, Siska.
Always a showman, a suited and booted 84-year-old Povich recorded a video for the big reveal, pulling out a piece of paper from a brown envelope and delivering his iconic line: “Berani … you ARE the father!”
Jaya’s off the hook — even though Siska’s mother, Eirina, enjoyed “some courtship and mating activity” with him too.
Denver Zoo’s website says that Berani lives with 3 other females and was approved for breeding through the Sumatran Orangutan Species Survival Plan — which is a big deal cause Sumatran orangutans are a critically endangered species.
As for now, we’re hoping Berani steps up to his fatherly duties.